Summary: Latitude vs. X

The purpose of this project was to find an answer to a fundamental question: "What's the weather like as we approach the equator?".
To accomplish this was created a Python script, that visualizes the weather of 800+ cities across the world of varying distance from the equator. In order to collect the data, was utilized a Citipy Python library and the OpenWeatherMap API.
After assembling the dataset a plotting libraries Matplotlib and Seaborn were used.
The objective was to build a series of scatter plots to showcase the following relationships:
* Temperature (C) vs. Latitude
* Humidity (%) vs. Latitude
* Cloudiness (%) vs. Latitude
* Wind Speed (mph) vs. Latitude
This site provides the source data and Visualizations created as a part of the analysis, as well as explanations and descriptions of any trends and correlations witnessed.